Sunday June 30, 2024

Are there over 9,000 COVID vaccine deaths?

One America News Network (OANN) claims that over 9,000 people have died from COVID vaccinations:1

  • The headlines says “COVID Vaccine Deaths Top 9k”.
  • The introductory text says “Over 9,000 people have now died after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine”.
  • The accompanying video states “There are now more than 9.000 deaths attributed directly to the vaccine”.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), from where these numbers were taken, logs reports of people that have had medical issues AND have had a vaccination.2, 3 There is no implied connection between the medical issue and the vaccine. It’s a way to detect patterns that may indicate a problem.

Bonus content: here’s another one from Pearson Sharp –

You might be led to believe that there was a 900% increase in US COVID cases due to illegal immigration. The fact is that there has been a 900% increase in cases, in the Rio Grande Valley, not in the entire US. That increase is not good; but if you’re interested in facts, you wouldn’t phrase it this way.

We don’t know if Pearson Sharpe just regurgitates what someone tells him or if he figures this stuff out on his own. It does the right no good to have someone like this on their side.

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