Sunday June 30, 2024

Michigan has highest 7-day COVID case rate in the nation

We would argue that hospitalization and death rates (where Michigan is not the worst in the country) are more important trouble indicators than case rate. But, that’s not what the attack articles focused on.

Why slam Florida for a high rate but ignore Michigan? Perhaps Florida was doing all the wrong things when their rate was high and Michigan is doing all the right things, so there’s nothing to criticize. If that’s the case, rather than no story, the story should be that government mandates have no measurable affect on COVID rates. Otherwise, this is appears to be a clear example of biased journalism.

New York Times search of ‘Whitmer COVID’ yields this headline from April 10, 2021:

New York Times search of ‘DeSantis COVID’ yields this headline from August 29, 2021:

COVID deaths in Michigan are a bad look for Whitmer; COVID deaths in Florida? DeSantis is a murderer.

Also, can’t find these headlines –

  • Michigan’s COVID rate is higher than a year ago3, despite over 70% vaccinated4,
  • Michigan’s COVID death rate is now 12.5 times Florida’s rate1,
  • New York’s COVID death rate is now 7 times Florida’s rate1.
  • California’s COVID death rate is now 7 times Florida’s rate1,

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