Sunday June 30, 2024

Phony fact checking –

When ‘fact checkers’ analyze claims about Republicans, they analyze the claim. When ‘fact checkers’ check Democrat falsehoods, they tend to soft peddle the analysis using a variety of labels (partially true, lacking context, etc.).

Here’s one from, a Facebook partner:

The claim: Rep. Mike Rogers, the ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, said congressional testimony this week showed that President Joe Biden ignored the advice of top generals about what to do in Afghanistan.1

The analysis: No analysis of the claim was performed. Instead, the article made unsourced claims that Trump ignored the advice of unnamed “top military officials”.

The rating: ‘Not entirely accurate’.

Since the title of the piece is “Trump Rejected Generals’ Advice, Too”, one can conclude that the claim is true, and that the fact checker deliberately intended to mislead the reader.

Keep this in mind when considering Facebook’s ‘fact checking’:

We [] do not accept funds from corporations with the exception of Facebook, which provides funding as part of Facebook’s initiative to debunk viral deceptions.2

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