Monday July 01, 2024

Phony fact checking –

When ‘fact checkers’ analyze claims about Republicans, they analyze the claim. When ‘fact checkers’ check Democrat falsehoods, they tend to soft peddle the analysis using a variety of labels (partially true, lacking context, etc.).

Here are two examples from, a Facebook partner:


The claim: President Biden says people who are vaccinated for the coronavirus “cannot spread it to you”.1

The analysis: Biden said exactly that – without any qualifications. It’s not true.

The rating: Half True.


The claim: President Trump says that in the 2020 presidential election in Maricopa County, Ariz., “74,243 mail-in ballots were counted with ‘no clear record of them being sent'”.2

The analysis: Trump said exactly that and that is what happened. Although there’s a plausible explanation, it is true.

The rating: False.

Keep this in mind when considering Facebook’s ‘fact checking’:

PolitiFact is partnering with Facebook to check potential misinformation being shared in Facebook’s News Feed.3

2 thoughts on “Phony fact checking –

  1. I like the concept of this website. However, this page makes generalized claims and then does not back it up with any statistics. Is this really an improvement?

    1. Thanks for you comment. The site’s purpose is to encourage critical thinking in the face of biased mainstream news and to offer links to vetted articles that don’t conform to the MSM narrative (and don’t get much coverage). The site’s name, Conservative Fact Check, is not a great fit, but it’s the best I could come up with 🙂

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