Sunday June 30, 2024

Is The End Of Roe v. Wade At Hand?

When it comes to the Supreme Court and justice, it sometimes appears that an outcome is chosen first, then the Constitution is interpreted to yield the desired outcome.

In similar fashion, if you’re pro-abortion, you’re for Roe v. Wade, and, if you’re anti-abortion, you’re against it.

However, the rule of law, not the desired outcome, that should guide the court of last resort, whose rulings are not subject to further review.

Here’s an important excerpt from the recent Mississippi case hearing2

Justice Kavanaugh — who replaced Justice Anthony Kennedy, a more centrist Justice on abortion questions — signaled that he may well be willing to reverse Roe. While nodding to the court’s precedents, he said that when it comes to abortion there are two interests — the woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy and the interest of fetal life. “The problem is you can’t accommodate both interests. You have to pick,” he said. “Why should this court be the arbiter rather than Congress, state legislatures, state supreme courts and the people being able to resolve this.”

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