Tuesday July 02, 2024

Trump claims he met with Kyle Rittenhouse

Republicans claim to have done things. Democrats don’t claim, they do!

It’s a subtle way to imply that Republicans are not trustworthy.

A variation on this theme, during the Trump presidency, was when Trump said something, the news media would attach the phrase ‘without evidence’ to the statement; something they almost never did to Democrats (even for the their crazy Russia collusion hoax claims)1.

The goal is to leave the reader with some sense of doubt about the truthfulness of what’s being claimed or the person making the claim.

Here’s NBC News’ take on the story –

If this story were about Biden, the headline would instead say ‘Biden meets with Kyle Rittenhouse’, not ‘Biden claims he met with Kyle Rittenhouse’.

Either Trump met with Kyle Rittenhouse or he didn’t. No need to word it this way.

Here’s the New York Post’s version –

1 ‘Without evidence’ Is A New Catchphrase At NPR

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